Why choose Medle sunbreakers?

Sunbreakers are sun shades, which are much more compact, resilient, and much larger than other standard shades. Aside from their primary shading function, when combined with the facade, they enhance the external aesthetic while offering additional thermal insulation.

Sunbreakers can also be used as a barrier or protection for various types of terraces.

Sunbreakers are sun shades, which are much more compact, resilient, and much larger than other standard shades. Aside from their primary shading function, when combined with the facade, they enhance the external aesthetic while offering additional thermal insulation.

Sunbreakers can also be used as a barrier or protection for various types of terraces.

Brisoleji združujejo izjemno kompaktnost in trpežnost, obenem pa se lahko pohvalijo z velikimi dimenzijami in presegajočimi standardi glede na druga senčila. Ne omogočajo le učinkovitega senčenja, temveč prispevajo tudi k toplotni izolaciji.

Namenjeni so tudi čudoviti obogatitvi zunanjega videza, ki se harmonično vključuje v okolico. Zaradi vsestranskosti se lahko uporabijo kot zaščita ali ograja za različne terase. Brisoleji so prava izbira za tiste, ki iščejo združitev funkcionalnosti, estetike in trajnosti v enem samem elementu. Fiksni brisoleji so namenjeni senčenju velikih površin, kjer ni treba uravnavati svetlobe.

effective shading
premium appearance of the building
thermal insulation
large dimensions, non-standard
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